Friday, June 15, 2012

When the Spirit comes....

Rika and I served with Iris Ministries in Mozambique for a few years. Every week the long term workers would meet in Rolland and Heidi Bakers living room for a time of fellowship. One night Heidi was praying for me, she put her hand on my arm and as she was praying for me I could feel something like electric currents run up my arm. As Rika and I walked back to our house I told her about my experience. During my quiet time that night as I prayed words of a different languages started flooding out my mouth. All of my theology, everything I believed about the Bible and the Holy Spirit was in ruins. I was taught that other tongues were just for the establishing of the early church and that it stopped after the Apostels. I knew that my theology put the Holy Spirit in a box limiting Him to work in my life.

Acts 2:3-4: "They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them."

Jesus promises us that we will be able to do greater things than what He did during His time on earth. I know that my western mind and way of thinking came in the way of the Holy Spirit working in me and through me. Jesus tells us to believe like little children and to be like little children, pure faith without the corruption of our theological intellect. Those who knows me personally, knows it is very hard for me as I love to think and philosophy about everything.

Nicia and Aninha

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