Thursday, June 7, 2012


The last two weeks two of our children, Ecson and Jonah were adopted. Both off them were abandoned after birth and left two die. Jonah and Ecson were found by families. The two families that found them felt that the two of them is gifts from God, so they decided to adopt them.

"When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them" Much is written about living a purpose driven life, but when I read the Bible I find that Jesus was mostly driven by compassion. The daily challenge for us, is to when we see a need is to show compassion like Jesus did. The act of adoption is an unselfish act of love and compassion, within this lies the beauty of the Jesus we serve. This is why it says in the Bible "pure religion is to take care of the orphan and the widow". It is not complicated, but it asks sacrifice from us, it asks our time and effort. It means that we have to forget about our selves and our needs. I want to challenge you to live a life as Jesus, driven by compassion.

Ecson with his adopted mother

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